and it shall be the bee’s knees

You know what I think?
I think that we all go through high school, and have every imaginable extracurricular and/or sport at our disposal…
And then we all go through college, and have all of that again, but this time it’s not enough, so we make up our own clubs and organizations, like Brandeis’ Game Knight and Proscenium
And then we graduate, and we have…


Look, all I’m saying is, I’d much rather go out on a Wednesday night and play volleyball with some friends than go to another of Worcester’s less-than-classy bars, wouldn’t you?

I mean, gyms like the WCC always have open swim and aerobics classes, so that gives people some options… And sure, my friends are pretty good about planning trivia and ultimate frisbee events; but there just aren’t any good venues out there offering anything else. Where are the Poker clubs? Where are the Theater clubs and Book Clubs and Cooking Clubs?

I guess for now, I’ll continue with my more creative solutions (like line-dancing and karaoke), and exploring new sports/hobbies with friends, like disc golf and pub volleyball. But believe you me: Someday I shall open a Rec Center for Young Adults, and people can hang out and do all of these things. And It Shall Be Comfortable, And It Shall Be Merry, And It Shall Be The Bee’s Knees.

“Be There, Or Be Square.” – Mr. Harper
