

alyssa marie kerr

some fun facts:

birthday – august 31, 1989
jung typology – INFJ
enneagram – 9w1
favorite color – this one, (and also this one and this one and this one and… i just really like colors)

other favorite things:
drawing. singing. line dancing. banter. star-gazing. string theory. sweet potatoes. playing pretend and dressing up. smithwicks. ultimate frisbee on sunday mornings. iocane powder. hugs. kisses. chasing through the woods. michelangelo’s neoplatonism. chamomile tea with honey. sudoku and logic puzzles. bonfires. massages. deep breaths of cold air. warm blankets and sunrise conversations. nani’s baked stuffed peppers. music that teaches you more about yourself than you ever knew was possible.

truth, beauty, freedom, and above all things… love.

things i’m doing lately:

– experimenting with natural healing through diet. i guess a sugar-free Paleo’s the best way to describe what i’m doing… it’s definitely not easy, but i like to think it’s good willpower training 🙂 plus, i’m 100% convinced that diet/exercise are the best medicine in the world.
– watching Yu Yu Hakusho and Game of Thrones with Boy 🙂
– playing ultimate frisbee as often as possible
– staying active. just did a Tough Mudder at Gunstock Mtn with some good friends, and i can’t wait for the next adventure
– immersed in an all-consuming art commission for my old high school. i’m just now coming off a 2-month break, so… wish me luck getting back into the swing of things!

why i’m telling you all this:
because it’s a great way to procrastinate doing what i’m supposed to be doing :]