
it’s one of those “life is fleeting” days. hence, a revival of blogging.

before i created this wordpress account, i considered reopening my old livejournal, ephemeral_eyes. (don’t bother trying to look it up, it’s all private now). my last post there was in 2008, but most of the posts were from 2005-2006. i was sixteen years old, then. sixteen! and some of the blogs i wrote… well, you can certainly tell i was a hormonal teenager. you can also tell what a miserable point it was for my family life. you can tell a whole lot of things, in fact; things that i would have forgotten, had i not written them down. i am still learning about myself by rereading them, seeing how i’ve changed. how i am blooming.

i love that about writing. life is a story, a transient state. have you ever seen a sky timelapse?


a string of moments. we can only live one at a time- but put together, we begin to see what it all might mean. where we’ve come from. where we’re going.

ephemeral_eyes was my screenname of choice at sixteen. first, because at that age, my eyes hadn’t settled on a color yet- at any given moment, they could be blue, green, hazel, or grey. but secondly, because what i am seeing is constantly changing. my perspective is restless and anxious to expand itself. the screenname takes itself too seriously- but at sixteen, so did i. perhaps i still do, six years later.

alright, enough! off i go, to a night of frisbee and beer connoisseurship. there will be plenty of time later for this journal to unfold.